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Stainless Steel Pricing Alert and Price Book Notice

Stainless Steel Pricing Notice

Due to changing costs associated with stainless steel manufacturing, Wessels Company list prices are the net prices for quoting stainless steel products until further notice, effective immediately. There are no discounts at this time. All stainless steel quotations must be renegotiated.

Our new Wessels Reference List Price Catalog PDF is now available for download upon request. If you’ve received special pricing, you already have the list price for affected stainless steel products, but if you would like to receive a new CSV, please contact your regional manager or customer service agent.

We apologize for any inconvenience as we continue to navigate the fluctuating pricing environment brought on by changing world events.

To request printed copies of the Wessels 2022 Price Book Reference Catalog, please send number of copies and address to [email protected]